Blast Calories in Double-Time in This Dumbbell Workout

2022-06-25 09:23:29 By : Ms. Yatianjing .

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Short on time? Get maximum results with this low-tech workout

Whether you’re seeking an epic, lung-busting crescendo to your regularly scheduled workout; or you’re short on time and looking for a quick fire hit that will fire up everything from your legs to your lungs, this dumbbell-only blast is just the ticket.

Hitting a variety of movement patterns and muscle-groups, two ‘bells is all you need to hit your body from every angle — working your chest, legs and back, whilst sending your heart rate through the roof.

Using multiple three-minute ‘AMRAP’ (as many reps as possible) blasts, with short reprieves between each, your goal is to sprint your way through each interval, only slowing to maintain good form. You’ll rest for one minute between each- just enough to breathe, hydrate and contemplate steamrolling through the next round.

Set a timer for three minutes and work your way through as many rounds as possible of the following circuit, whilst keeping your form tight. Rest for sixty seconds after each three-minute effort, and repeat four times, for a total of fifteen minutes flat.

Drop your dumbbells and immediately squat down, placing both hands on the floor between your feet. Jump your feet back into the top of a press-up and lower your chest to the ground (A). Straighten your arms and hop your feet forwards, before jumping into the air with hands on head (B)

Clean your dumbbells onto the front of your shoulders (A). From here, drop into a squat, until your thighs pass parallel to the ground (B), pause here for a second before driving back up explosively and quickly repeat.

Quickly drop your dumbbells to the floor just outside your feet, hinge down and grip them with a flat back and neutral spine (A). Engage your lats and stand upright, ‘pushing the ground away’ with your feet, squeezing your glutes at the top (B). Your arms should be hanging straight throughout this movement, think of them as hooks.

After your last rep, drop into a plank position, with your core tight and hands on your dumbbells (A), bend your elbows to bring your chest to the floor (B). Keep your elbows close to your body as you push back up explosively.